:title: ladi-cladia - Qt frontend for LADISH :keywords: LADI, JACK, jack-audio-connection-kit, session management, Qt = README for LADI/Claudia LADI/Claudia is Qt frontend for LADISH. It was developed by falkTX, using Python3 and Qt5. Claudia (and Cadence suite) was abandoned by its original author in August 2023. Since August 2023, LADI/Claudia is maintained by Nedko Arnaudov (LADI project), the author of jackdbus and ladish. This codebase provides two components that used to be part of Cadence suite: * ladi-claudia, The Qt frontend for LADISH itself. * ladi-jack2settings, а simple and easy-to-use configure Qt GUI dialog for jackdbus. It can configure JACK's driver and engine parameters, and is used along with LADISH to configure jack settings of studios. Tarballs: Latest released tarball is for version 2.5.1 and can be found, along with NEWS.adoc at: * https://dl.ladish.org/ladi-claudia/ GIT repositories: * https://gitea.ladish.org/LADI/claudia[Upstream development GIT repository] + Self-hosted upstream * https://codeberg.org/LADI/claudia[Primary backup GIT repository at codeberg.org] + Cloud hosted Another fork, by Houston4444, provides the other apps for LADISH setups: * Caleson - a fork of Cadence, "The main app". It performs system checks, manages the JACK server (via jackdbus), calls other tools and make system tweaks. * Caleson-JackSettings, the is the Caleson's variant of Cadence's jacksettings dialog. The ladi-claudia codebase provides ladi-jack2settings as equivalent. * Caleson-Logs, Small tool that shows JACK, A2J (and LADISH in LADIOS) logs in a multi-tab window. The logs are viewed in a text box, making it easy to browse and extract status messages using copy and paste commands. https://github.com/Houston4444/Caleson